CipSoft Header Infinite Entertainment


CipSoft is an independent developer and operator of online games. The company is based in Regensburg. It was created following the success of Tibia, a game which has been online since 1997 and is one of the first MMORPGs ever created. With TibiaME, CipSoft also developed the first online role-playing game for mobile phones. LiteBringer is the first game ever that fully operates on the Litecoin blockchain.
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CipSoft Career

Tibia: Change in Management

News Product Management Tibia

September 20, 2019 – In August this year, Sebastian Wodarski took over the position as Tibia's Lead Product Manager from Martin Eglseder, who as from now will directly support the management of the company as assistant manager. After nine years of working with CipSoft Sebastian, the former leader of the test team, is looking at his new area of work with optimism: "I'm looking forward to taking on this huge challenge, and I am hoping to lead Tibia to continued success." Whenever he feels the need to recharge his batteries for the challenges ahead, Sebastian is taking his Harley-Davidson for a spin.

Tibia Update Released

News Summer Update 2019

July 30, 2019 – This year's summer update added the miraculous peninsula of Kilmaresh to Tibia, home to a plethora of exotic creatures like manticores, sphynxes and gryphons. The new friend system gives players the option to search for friends, invite them or group them. The Tibia team also implemented a search function to the depot, gave players better control over their game windows messages and reduced message clutter in general, among other things. For more information on all the new content and features please visit Tibia's official website.

CipSoft joins Games Bavaria Munich

News Games Bavaria Munich

July 23, 2019 – CipSoft is the most recent member of "Games Bavaria Munich e.V.", an organization which represents the common interests of Bavarian companies in the games industry vis-á-vis politics, business and society. "We've been developing games that bring people together from all over the world since the mid-90s. As a company which is deeply rooted in Regensburg networking within Bavaria is just as important to us, which is why becoming a member of the GBM was a logical step for us", says managing director Stephan Vogler.

CipSoft Achieves Most Successful Year in the Company's History

News Business Result 2018

January 30, 2019 – Last year has been the most successful in the history of CipSoft. In 2018 the now 89 employees generated more than EUR 14 million. Previous year's record turnover of EUR 11.6 million were thus exceeded by more than 20 percent. Pre-tax profit increased by EUR 1.9 million to a total of 5.7 million. Since CipSoft's employees participate in the company's success through a profit sharing model, they can expect nearly an additional half annual income. A more detailed review of the last financial year can be found here.

Tibia Winter Update

News Winter Update 2018

December 4, 2018 – The now-available winter update brings many new challenges to Tibia. Among other things, the elfish dream world is getting invaded by creepy monsters, and supernatural creatures are wreaking havoc in  ancient ruins. In addition, numerous new features are again waiting for the players. There's for example a detailed overview on the character stats as well as the combat stats of the equipped gear. There's also a calendar that informs you on currently active and upcoming events in the game. More information on the update can be found here.