December 13, 2019 – On Wednesday evening this week the "Deutscher Entwicklerpreis", which is annually awarded to honour the best computer games made in German-speaking countries, was presented in Cologne. The award for the newly-created category "Dauerbrenner" ('Long Runner') was given to Tibia. "Not only was the title innovative at the time of its release in 1997 – it has kept re-inventing itself on a regular basis ever since", the jury of experts said in their statement.
CipSoft CEO Stephan Vogler began his speech by thanking the organisers for creating the new category: "There is a whole range of games made in Germany which have been very successful for many years, and which would also have deserved to be recognised. Given this situation, I am all the happier that we are the first to receive this award."
"I would like to thank all who have worked on Tibia with us over the years. The game would not be here without you", Vogler continued. "And last but not least I would like to express our gratitude towards our incredible community, which is still playing Tibia as passionately as ever after almost a quarter of a century."
Stephan Vogler and Benjamin Zuckerer alongside jury member David Salz from Sandbox Interactive